Friday, September 30, 2011

Mystery Readers

We have many dates still available for mystery readers this year! We would like to invite all of our students' families to visit our classroom as a mystery reader. The children LOVE when parents, siblings, grandparents, and other special family members visit and share stories with the class. It's something that the third graders always remember! Readers visit our classroom on Fridays at 2:30. The reader will share a book (you can bring one or I will select one for you) and then the third graders will ask you a few questions about yourself as a reader. Please see the list of available dates and let me know if you are interested:
Oct. 28
Nov. 4
Dec. 2
Dec. 9
Jan. 6
Jan. 13
Jan. 20
Jan. 27
Feb. 3
Feb. 24
Mar. 2
Thank you to the parents that have already signed up. You are welcome to be a mystery reader more than once if you'd like! :)